Gain crucial knowledge and legal requirements that you need to know to manage operations on board.
Our Maritime Law & Crew Operations course will teach all the crucial knowledge and legal requirements that you need to know to manage operations on board.
Throughout this module, we will be carrying out research and familiarisation into the Maritime Organisation's legal frameworks and its application to Crew.
For further inquiries contact info@yachtcrew.uk.
The Maritime Organisation & Crew course is divided into 3 parts and the study units for each are listed below.
One: The Legal Organisation
United Nations & UNCLOS
International Maritime Organisation
International Labour Organisation
Flag State
Port State
Two: The International Conventions & Codes
Three: Crew Specific Information
POEA requirements
Crew File Management
Key Takeaways
After completing the course, you will officially be part of our alumni community and will have free access to our Mental health courses for free as well as discounts on other courses such as Management & Leadership for Crew.